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Hardware by Mind Map: Hardware

1. Benefit of having input devices in classroom

1.1. There is very high benefits to having input devices. Without an input device there would be no way to input the information. Even with for instance ipads there is still a keyboard that opens on the screen so that the information can be entered,

2. Input Devices

2.1. Key board, mouse, touch pad, and tracball.

2.2. Challenge of having input devices in classrooom .

2.3. Anything that you attach to a computer that can add data to that specific computer.

2.3.1. Students rely on computers to know how to spell for then and type for them. Students do not have to know how to write because they can rely on spell check and their key boards to input their information into their computers.

3. Output Devices

3.1. Hardware that help move information out of the computer.

3.2. Hard Copy

3.2.1. Printed form

3.3. Soft Copy

3.3.1. Can be displayed on a monitor. Possibly by using a electronic device like a USB.

3.4. Benefit of having input devices in classroom

3.4.1. The individual can make sure that they always have a copy of their work. Having this in the classroom will be very helpful because the student will always have a back up. Also, the student will always have a copy of their paper or work so they can reference that topic in the future if they needed too.

3.5. Challenge of having input devices in the classroom

3.5.1. Small things are lost especially with small children. Letting the children have access too and save these type of output devices can lead to them losing those devices. As well as if papers are sent home a lot of parents throw those papers away as to not clutter to the papers go wrinkled in the bag on the way home. Although keeping track of work and improvement is important and should be considered.