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Technology by Mind Map: Technology

1. Past

1.1. Entertainment

1.1.1. Television Recoreded Programs

1.2. Education

1.2.1. Computer learn new program

1.3. Communication

1.3.1. Telephone Connect with friends and family

1.4. Transportion

1.4.1. Run on Fuel Buses Two-wheeler Airplane Train

1.5. Work

1.5.1. Tools

1.5.2. Manchines

1.6. Health Care

1.6.1. old medical tools

2. Referances

2.1. ScienceFun. (2023, September 10). Amazing science experiments [Video]. YouTube.

2.2. Smith, J., & Doe, A. (2019). Exploring innovative teaching methods. Journal of Educational Research, 112(4), 234-245.

2.3. National Research Council. (2009). Challenges in education reform. In Educational reform: Opportunities and challenges (pp. 345-367). National Academies Press.

2.4. DesignVision. (2024, September 15). Innovative design trends 2024 [Video]. YouTube.

2.5. TechTalks. (2024, September 14). The future of technology [Video]. YouTube.

2.6. Agar, J. (2019). Review of Technology: Critical history of a concept, by E. Schatzberg. Technology and Culture, 60(4), 377-382.

2.7. Greelish, D. (2013, April 2). An interview with computing pioneer Alan Kay. Time.

2.8. Schatzberg, E. (2006). Technik comes to America: Changing meanings of technology before 1930. Technology and Culture, 47(3), 486-512.

2.9. Kleinfeld, J. (2014, April 29). Defining technology. Tech Liberation.

2.10. Smith, J. (2024, September 15). The title of the video [Video]. YouTube.

2.11. Pipefy. (n.d.). Technology advancement: Past, present, and future [Image]. Medium.

2.12. Techopedia. (n.d.). Technology. In Techopedia. Retrieved September 15, 2024, from

2.13. ScienceDirect. (n.d.). Technology. In ScienceDirect. Retrieved September 15, 2024, from

3. What i thought before couse

3.1. Schatzberg maps the pivotal role played by the maverick intellectual Thorstein Veblen in transforming the meanings of the American term technology.

3.2. "technology has two primary components: 1) a physical component which comprises of items such as products, tooling, equipments, blueprints, techniques, and processes; and 2) the informational component which consists of know-how in management, marketing, production, quality control, reliability, skilled labor and functional areas."

3.3. Technology refers to the tools, machines, techniques, and systems developed through scientific knowledge to address human needs and improve various aspects of life. It integrates hardware, software, and organizational systems.

4. Advancement in technology

5. Present

5.1. Entertainment

5.1.1. Internet Online paltform such as youtube, gmes,

5.2. Communication

5.2.1. Soical applications Facebook Instagram Whatsapp Snapchat modern communication

5.2.2. Smart Phones Massages video and voice calls

5.3. Education

5.3.1. E-learning Long distance education

5.3.2. E-material E-books

5.4. Transportion

5.5. Work

5.5.1. Modern technolgy CNC Machines PLC Machines

5.6. Health Care

5.6.1. Cut less treatment

5.6.2. new technology 2024

6. How this word comes

6.1. The etymology or origin of the word technology is of Greek origin

7. Advantage

7.1. Save time

7.2. boostup effcieny

7.3. Decline manpower

7.4. Improved Communication

7.5. Economic Growth

7.6. Access to Information

7.7. Stay connected worldwide with loves-one's

8. Disadvantage

8.1. Privacy Concerns

8.2. Dependence and Addiction

8.3. Job Displacement

8.4. Digital Divide:

8.5. Environmental Impact

8.6. Reduced Face-to-Face Interaction

9. What i am thinking now after reading course

9.1. We are probably comfortable with asserting that humans have had technologies since the Palaeolithic, and a menagerie of animals, from crows to chimps, have even been identified as tool users

9.2. The best way to predict the future is to invent it” and that “Technology is anything that wasn’t around when you were born

9.3. Every goods which human are using that are technolgy becuase technolgy is great invention of Scinece. Such as laptop, computer, moblie-phone, bed, chair, window, cycle, microwave evertinng are technology.

9.4. Before this couse i thought that computer was only technology made for eduction but after reading this i can feel since form art to e-learnng that is also invention of technology.

9.5. “In fact, technology is a word we use all of the time, and ordinarily it seems to work well enough as a shorthand, catch-all sort of word,

9.6. Technology encompasses the application of scientific knowledge to create tools, systems, and processes that meet human needs and improve life. It integrates both the knowledge and the practical applications of innovations.