What Is Technology?

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What Is Technology? by Mind Map: What Is Technology?

1. What I think now?

1.1. After reading about course material that technology is everything which is around us ( chair, knife, electricity and laptop)

1.1.1. Definations that I read from course material "issues that historians now discuss in terms of technology were framed in such terms as useful arts, manufacturing, industry, invention, applied science, and the machine" (Schatzberg, 2006, p. 486) "Technology is one of the keywords of our world, yet it is also one of the most confused" (Agar, 2019)

1.1.2. What has changed after coming technology in real life "anything that wasn't around when you were born" (Greelish, 2013) Technology that we all need to make our life easy and to save time At the end "Technology is messy and complex. It is difficult to define and to understand. In its variety, it is full of contradictions…Yet today most people in the industrialized world reduce technology’s complexity, ignore its contradictions, and see it as little more than gadgets and as a handmaiden of commercial capitalism and the military. Too often, technology is narrowly equated with computers and the Internet" (Hughes: 2004: 1)

2. What I Think Before?

2.1. I thought about technology before this module ,like, it is just about electronics.

2.1.1. Laptop

2.1.2. Mobile

2.1.3. Hair Dryer

2.1.4. Tablet

2.1.5. Printer

3. References

3.1. AI Uncovered. (2024, August 17). Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2024 (According to Science) [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXc2tao51D4File:What is technology? (Wilson).djvu - Wikimedia Commons. (n.d.). https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:What_is_technology%3F_(Wilson).djvu#/media/File:What_is_technology?_(Wilson).djvuSacasas, L. M. (2013, November 8).

3.2. Google Glass: Technology as symbol. L.M. Sacasas. https://thefrailestthing.com/2013/11/07/google-glass-technology-as-symbol/

3.3. (Wilson).djvu - Wikimedia Commons. (n.d.). https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:What_is_technology%3F_(Wilson).djvu#/media/File:What_is_technology?_(Wilson).djvuSacasas, L. M. (2013, November 8).

3.4. Facebook. (n.d.). https://www.facebook.com/share/p/R3ess53HHBreA4T8/

3.5. File:Persépolis, Irán, 2016-09-24, DD 15.jpg - Wikimedia Commons. (2016, September 24). https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pers%C3%A9polis,_Ir%C3%A1n,_2016-09-24,_DD_15.jpg#/media/File:Pers%C3%A9polis,_Ir%C3%A1n,_2016-09-24,_DD_15.jpg