What is Technolgy-mediated TBLT?

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What is Technolgy-mediated TBLT? by Mind Map: What is Technolgy-mediated TBLT?

1. Two task models

1.1. It is important to point out that TBLT'S main goal, regardless of the model, is language acquisition and not just communicative effectiveness

1.1.1. Which, for me, seems a little contradictory with the previous topic

1.1.2. The goal of TBLT is to promote language learning by focusing not only on fluency but also on accuracy and complexity

2. Technology-mediated TBLT

2.1. 3. A full integration of the technology-mediated tasks in a full TBLT curriculum

2.2. 1. A clear definition of task

2.3. 2. An awarness of the nonneutrality of technology

3. Still technology-mediated tasks should focus on meaning, students needs and wants.

3.1. "Technological tasks should also provide an added benefit beyond the learning of language; they should help develop skills to use technology outside class."

3.2. digital literacies

4. What is a task?

4.1. Willi's: A goal-oriented activity in which learners use language to achieve a real outcome

4.1.1. Solving problems

4.2. Nunan's: A piece of classroom work that involves learners in comprehending, producing or interacting in the target language while their attention is focused on mobilizing their grammatical knowledge in order to express meaning.

4.2.1. convey meaning rather than manipulate form

4.3. Ellis': Primary attention to meaning and to make use of their own linguistic resources.

4.3.1. : A task is intended to result in language use that bears resemblance to the way language is used in the real world. Written or oral

5. Tasks with real life application

6. What is a task?

6.1. Long's: By "tasks" is meant the hundred and one things people do in everyday life, at work, at a play, and in between.

6.1.1. More realistic and less academic

7. Real-life tasks

8. Communicative, meaning oriented, focus on the message, goal oriented

8.1. This concept is very simplistic and it seems to not take certain problems that we as students and as teachers face. And to say the priority is to complete the task doesn't matter the way, is very detached from reality.