French Education Sysytem

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French Education Sysytem by Mind Map: French Education Sysytem

1. Centralized Curriculum including overseas

2. Education is compulsory for children between the ages of 3 and 16 and consists of four cycles

2.1. Preschool (écoles maternelles) – ages 3 to 6 Primary school (école élémentaire) – ages 6 to 11 Middle school (collège) – ages 11 to 15 High school (lycée) – ages 15 to 18

2.2. Child will be assigned to a school that is close to his/her home

2.3. September - June

2.3.1. Holidays (15 Weeks)

2.4. Each class typically elects one parent representative for school council meetings

2.5. Students typically have lessons on literacy, numeracy, geography, history, and a foreign language, which is often English in primary schools

3. There are 522 French schools from nursery school to secondary school in 139 countries with 370,000 students in total. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs coordinates the French school network overseas. Some celebrities abroad decide to enrol their children in French schools

3.1. Number of Schools in France : DATA by Public Nursery schools(Preschool) - 14,283 Primary schools - 43,568 Secondary schools(middle school (collège) &high school (lycée)) - 5,316 Private Nursery schools - 135 Primary schools - 5,754 Secondary schools - 2,049

4. Teachers equivalent to civil servants

5. Monitoring is done by surveillants in secondary schools

6. Small group work and Team projects

7. Education free, co-ed, and secular through effort not fun

8. Music or Art in early secondary school

9. Only the best students have high math skills in French Education

10. There are a lot of private and public nurseries, called crèches. These daycare centers keep babies from 2 months to 3 years old, until they can attend the Ecole Maternelle. There ares everal types of crèches providing different services.There are more than 11,000 Crèches in France, but getting a slot can be hard, and mothers are advised to look for a slot as soon as they are pregnant. Other alternatives exist, Assitantes Maternelles can keep 3 or 4 babies at their home and are recognized by the French State.

11. Key figures: "535 overseas schools under the French system, located in 139 countries. Of France’s 67 million residents, 13 million are children in primary and secondary schools, and over 800,000 are teachers. About 17% of schools are private. Approximately 97% of these private schools are under contract (contrat d’état).These schools are largely Catholic."

12. The philosophy of French education covers: A respect for the teacher's authority An absolute grading system Rote learning combined with a strong focus on analytical thought High academic expectations

13. Several parents’ associations with links to major political factions.

14. The three challenges

14.1. Average score of middle school students in reading literacy, mathematics and science is below

14.2. Recruitment crisis

14.2.1. Teachers are underpaid and undervalued

14.2.2. Shortage of teachers as they are quitting in more numbers

14.2.3. French teachers have held one of the biggest education strikes

14.3. Few options(The three main paths: Literature, Economics or Maths and Science) are there to choose by every student compared to other European Countries

15. Problematic math and Reading levels

16. Muslim head veil is forbidden

17. Not a sports-oriented educational culture

18. A marking scale from 1-20. The passing mark is 10

19. 20% only attend private schools

20. Parents only need to pay for lunches, after-school care, and class outings

21. 75% to 80% of students leave high school with a bacclauréat diploma but only 44% of students complete a degree

22. 2022 Pisa study revealed a "historic" decline in French students' proficiency in mathematics and a significant drop in reading comprehension

23. 2024-2025 school term include more testing in primary schools, a controversial plan to separate middle school students into groups according to their mathematics and French levels, and experimenting with mandatory school uniforms – moves fiercely opposed by education unions, who have called for successive strikes since the start of the year

24. Theirs is a completely teacher-centered approach and education for the masses.

25. Violence and some Substance abuse

26. Many private schools are under contract whereby the government pays the teachers’ wages, the school follows the national curriculum and fees are reasonably low

27. Anxiety and Depression among students