Gama Rays

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Gama Rays by Mind Map: Gama Rays

1. Is it dangerous?

1.1. Yes, very dangerous. They destroy your cells and can, with a few minutes of exposure, whippe you out.

2. What would be the consequences if it would hit us?

2.1. If on the its path, Gamma Ray can incinerate the entire planet earth in just 30 minutes.

3. How often do gamma ray burst occur?

3.1. In general we detect about one burst a day.

4. It has no mass or charge

5. Travels at the speed of light

6. It can release more energy than sun

6.1. In general we detect about one burst a day.

7. Gamma Rays are used to kill cancer cells

8. Gamma Rays are produced in hot places or by supernovas

9. What is it?

9.1. It is electromagnetic radiation emitted by radioactive decay.