Language Barriers within Guatemalan communities in the Medical Setting in Upstate NY

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Language Barriers within Guatemalan communities in the Medical Setting in Upstate NY by Mind Map: Language Barriers within Guatemalan communities in the Medical Setting in Upstate NY

1. Exploring different experiences to better the communication between the Guatemalan community and medical providers.

2. Impacts the quality of healthcare

3. Who are...

4. So they seek someone they know...

5. However, there are...

6. Are seeking medical resources because

7. Immigrant Community

7.1. Recent influx of Guatemalan immigrants in the U.S.

7.1.1. Growing community of Guatemalan immigrants from Q'eqchi background in Upstate NY Speak Q'eqchi and with differernt levels of Spanish Different Traditions and Culture

8. In the medical setting

8.1. Health is a fundamental human right according to the World Health Organization

8.1.1. Anyone is allowed to seek medical services to have a healthy life

8.2. In the U.S., services are primarily in English

8.2.1. Few resources in other languages, mainly in Spanish

9. Language Brokering

9.1. Informal Interpreting/Translating

9.1.1. Depending on the setting (legal, medical, educational) may encounter difficult terminology

9.2. Done by community members who share the same language and culture as the person who needs translation

9.2.1. Also has to understand (if in the U.S) the English language and American culture