Short Story Elements

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Short Story Elements by Mind Map: Short Story Elements

1. Point of View

1.1. Narration of the story

1.2. Sometimes biased or misleading

1.3. Types

1.3.1. First person (I/we/us/our/mine)

1.3.2. Second person (you)

1.3.3. Third person (she/he/they)

2. Characterization

2.1. The way characters are described, observed, interact with others, develop and achieve goals, and respond to conflict.

2.2. Types

2.2.1. Direct characterization Things we are told

2.2.2. Indirect characterization Things we infer Colour symbolism Setting Tone and diction

2.3. STEAL

3. Conflict

3.1. The struggle between opposing forces

3.2. Protagonist vs Antagonist

3.3. Types

3.3.1. Internal Character vs self

3.3.2. External Character vs character Character vs Society Character vs nature/animal Character vs supernatural

3.4. Outcomes

3.4.1. Defeat

3.4.2. Success

3.4.3. Lack of resolution

4. Plot

4.1. The sequece of events/ the action of the story

4.2. Protagonist and antagonist are centered around the conflict

4.3. Beginning of Plot

4.3.1. Exposition

4.3.2. Inciting Incident

4.3.3. Rising Action(s)

4.4. Finale of Plot

4.4.1. Climax

4.4.2. Falling Action

4.4.3. Resolution

5. Theme

5.1. Central idea or message of the story.

5.2. Universal - applies to mutliple texts

5.3. Always supported with evidence

6. Setting

6.1. Place, time and circumstance where a story takes place

6.2. Implicit meanings

6.2.1. Water/Rain

6.2.2. Mountains

6.2.3. Colour Symbolism

6.2.4. Seasons

6.2.5. Time of Day