Motivational theories for IBDP

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Motivational theories for IBDP by Mind Map: Motivational theories for IBDP

1. Mc Cellands

1.1. Achievement

1.2. Power

1.3. Affiliation

2. Deci & Ryan

2.1. Autonomy

2.2. Competence

2.3. Relatedness

3. Vrooms expectancy

3.1. Expectancy

3.2. Instrumentality

3.3. Valence

4. F.W.Taylor

4.1. Money is the major motivator

4.2. Specialisation

5. Maslow hierarchy of needs

5.1. Physiological

5.2. Safety/Security

5.3. Social

5.4. Esteem

5.5. Self-actualisation

6. Herzberg

6.1. Hygiene factors

6.2. Motivators

7. Adam equity

7.1. Equity

7.2. Socail comparison

7.3. Cognitive distortion