1. Theories of Learning
1.1. Behaviorism
1.1.1. Stimulous Response - Classical Conditioning ( Ivan Pavlov)
1.1.2. Trial & Error theory - Thorndike's Law of Learning
1.1.3. Operant Condition ( B.F. Skinner)
1.2. Cognitivism
1.2.1. Assimilation, Accomodation , Adaptation ( Jean Piaget)
1.2.2. Sociaocultural Theory - Vygostsky
1.3. Constructivism
1.3.1. Enactive / inconic / Symbolic Representation ( Jerome Bruner)
2. Motivation
2.1. Types of Motivation
2.1.1. Extrinctive Motivation - External Motivation
2.1.2. Instrinsic Motivation - Internal Motivation
2.2. Maslow's Hierarchy of NeedsTheory
2.2.1. Phsiciological need
2.2.2. Security & Safety
2.2.3. Love & Belonging
2.2.4. Esteem needs
2.2.5. Self-actualization
2.3. Self Determination Theory - Edward L. Deci & Richard Ryan )
2.3.1. Autonomy
2.3.2. Competence
2.3.3. Connections or relatedness
3. Theories of Development
3.1. Cognitive Theory Development - Jean Piaget
3.1.1. Sensimotor - From birth to 2 years
3.1.2. Ptroperational - 2 years to 7 years
3.1.3. Concrete Operational - 7 to 11 years
3.1.4. Formal Operational- Over 11 years
3.2. Psycho - Social Theory of Development - Erikson
3.2.1. Infancy ( Birth to 18 months)
3.2.2. Early Childhood ( 2 to 3 years)
3.2.3. Preschool (3 to 5 year )
3.2.4. School Age - 6 to 11 years
3.2.5. Adolescence - 12 years to 18 years
3.2.6. Young Adulthood - 19 years to 40 years
3.2.7. Middle Adulthood - 40 years to 65 years
3.2.8. Maturity - 65 years to death
3.3. Moral Development Theory - Kohlberg
3.3.1. Level I - Preconventional Morality
3.3.2. Level II - Conventional Morality
3.3.3. Lvel III - Postconventional Morality
3.4. Theory of Psychosexual Development - Sigmund Freud
3.4.1. The Oral Stage
3.4.2. The Anal Stage
3.4.3. The Phallic Stage
3.4.4. The Latent Stage
3.4.5. The Genital Stage
3.5. Zone of Proximal Development - Vygotsky
3.5.1. More Knowledgeable others ( MKOs)
3.5.2. Scaffolding
4. Assessment & Evaluation
4.1. Formative & Summative Assessment
4.1.1. Formative assessment - To monitor students learning to provide ongoing feedback
4.1.2. Summative assessment - To evaluate student learning at the end of an instrctional unit
4.2. Standardized tests
4.2.1. A standardized test is a test that is administrated and scored in a consistent or standardized manner.
4.3. Authentic Assessments
4.3.1. Wgere students thoughtfully apply their acquired skills in real life setting.
5. Application in Education
5.1. Classroom Mnagement
5.1.1. Democratic classroom method (Student- centered)
5.1.2. Teacher -cenered
5.1.3. Flipped Classroom
5.2. Instructional Strategies
5.2.1. Scaffolding
5.2.2. Modeling
5.2.3. Active Learning
5.3. Differenciated Instruction
5.3.1. The presence of tailoring the lessons to meet each student's individual interests