Rabbit Behaviour

A link to bunny bonding with more in-depth explanations about behaviours

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Rabbit Behaviour by Mind Map: Rabbit Behaviour

1. Grooming

1.1. Good, let them continue

2. Grooming Stand Off

2.1. Caution: May lead to fight. Proceed to simultaneously give both buns a head scratch (bunny magic).

3. Nipping

3.1. Caution: May get heated! Prepare to disrupt

4. Mounting

4.1. Caution: Clap hands if submissive bunny seems irritated or if dominant bunny is doing a backwards mount

5. Attack Stance and Tail Popping

5.1. Caution! Will lead to Bunny Tornado if not stopped!

6. Bunny Tornado

6.1. Bad!

7. Thumps and Bunny Butt

7.1. Good, let them continue

8. Mirroring

8.1. Good, let them continue

9. Ignoring

9.1. Good, let them continue

10. Eating Independently or in Close Proximity to Each Other

10.1. Good, let them continue

11. Bunny Flops and Binkies

11.1. Good, let them continue

12. Chasing

12.1. Good, let them continue