Language teaching and Learning framework

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Language teaching and Learning framework by Mind Map: Language teaching and Learning framework

1. Interlanguage

1.1. Task-Based Teaching and Learning

1.2. Preparation

1.3. Core Task

1.4. Follow Up

1.5. Didactic Sequence

2. Assesment

2.1. Summative Assessment

2.2. Formative Assessment

2.3. Assessment of and for Learning

3. Progress indexes

3.1. Planning a Project

3.2. Planning for Diversity

4. Literature and Genres

4.1. Macro Skills

4.1.1. Listening

4.1.2. Speaking

4.1.3. Reading

4.1.4. Writing

5. Communicative situations

5.1. Setting

5.2. Roles and Tasks

6. Interaction

6.1. Negotiation of Meaning

6.2. Discourse

7. Language practices

7.1. Linguistic Exponents

7.2. Functional Grammar

8. Culture

8.1. Skills

8.2. Genre

9. Feedback

9.1. Tasks

9.2. Topics

9.3. Purpose