Cultural Anthropology

Section MindMap Assigment 1

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Cultural Anthropology by Mind Map: Cultural Anthropology

1. Ch. 7: Ethnicity and Nationalism

1.1. Ethnicity as identity

1.1.1. "Ethnicity is one of the most powerful identities that humans develop:it is a sense of connection to a group of people who believe share a common history, culture and ancestry." (p.240)

1.2. What is the relationship of ethnicity to the Nation?

1.2.1. "Nationalism emereges when when a sense of ethnic community combines with a desire to create and maintain a nation-state in a location where that sense of common destiny can be lived out." (p.254)

2. Ch. 6: Religion

2.1. Role of Religion in Cultures

2.1.1. "Religion provides a framework for understanding the world and our place in it." (p.145)

2.2. Secularism and spirituality

3. Ch. 8: Gender

3.1. Distinguishing between Sex and Gender

3.1.1. "Much of what we sterotypically consider to be 'natural' male or female behavior-driven by biology- might turn out to be iposed by cultural expectations of how men and women should behave." (p.273)

3.2. Are there more than two sexes?

3.2.1. "even when we can identify a persons bilogical sex, we cannot predict what roles that person will paly in a given culture." (p.284)

4. Ch. 9: Sexuality

4.1. The invention of Heterosexuality

4.2. Sexuality and Culture

4.2.1. "The meaning certain sexual desires and behaviors acquire in a particular cultrure has the potential to affect access to social networks, social benefits, jobs, health care, and other resources..." (p.318)

5. Ch. 10: Kinship, Family, and Marriage

5.1. How are we related to one another?

5.1.1. "Decent groups: a Kinship group in which primary relationsips are traced through certain consanguineous ("blood") relatives."

5.2. Are biology and marriage the only basis for kinship?

5.2.1. "Among the Langkawi in Malaysia, kinship is created by sharing meals prepared in the family hearth and living together in the same house."

6. Ch. 12: Global Economy

6.1. What is an Economy and Waht is its purpose?

6.1.1. Economy is "a cultural adaptation to the environment that enables a group of humans to use the available land, resources and labor to satisfy their needs and to thrive."

6.1.2. Food foragers are "humans who subsist by hunting, fishing, and gathering plants to eat."

6.2. Capitalism, Economic Liberalism, and the Free Market

6.2.1. "in Smiths view, free markets and free trade, being liberated from government intervetion, would provide the best conditions for economic growth."

7. Ch. 1: What is Cultural Anthropology

7.1. "Cultural anthroplogy is the study of cultural variation among humans." (pg.2)

8. Ch. 2: Fieldwork

8.1. participant observation

8.2. Ethnographic methods

8.2.1. "Ethnography is about immersion in a community, which leads to deeper understanding." (p.38)

9. Ch. 3: Culture

9.1. Concepts of culture and its components

9.2. cultural relativisim vs ethnocentrism

9.2.1. "Culture is leanred and shared, and it shapes our preceptions of the world." (p.65)

10. Ch. 4:Globalization

10.1. impact of globalization on cultures

10.1.1. "Globalization creates new cultural forms that reflect the interconnectedness of the world."(p.92)

10.2. Hybrid Cultures

11. Ch. 5: Language and Communication

11.1. Role of language in culture

11.1.1. "Language is a primary way that culture is transmitted." (p.120)

11.2. Nonverbal Communication

12. Ch. 11: Class and Inequality

12.1. Ranked societies

12.1.1. "A group in which wealth is not stratified but prestige adn status are."

12.2. Egalitarian Societies

12.2.1. "a group based on the sharing of resources to ensure success with a relative absence of hierarchy and violence