Philippine Education System

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Philippine Education System by Mind Map: Philippine Education System

1. Cultural Influences

1.1. Religion and Traditions

1.1.1. Roman Catholicism

1.1.2. Islam

1.1.3. Indigenous People

1.2. Language and National Identity

1.2.1. Native Languages

1.2.2. Español

1.2.3. English

1.2.4. Nihongo

2. Social-Economic Influences

2.1. Gender Roles

2.1.1. Strict Separation of Girls and Boys

2.1.2. Equality and Inclusivity

2.2. Social Classes

2.2.1. Gatekept Education

2.2.2. Public Education

2.3. Teaching Strategies

2.3.1. Oral

2.3.2. Written

2.3.3. Practical/Hands-On

3. Legend:

3.1. Ideas given by Spain, America or Japan, but are not practiced anymore

3.2. Ideas already present even before Spain, America or Japan set foot in the Philippines

3.3. Ideas given by Spain, America, or Japan, and is still adopted today