A problem of disparities between state and rural schools in Kazakhstan

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A problem of disparities between state and rural schools in Kazakhstan by Mind Map: A problem of disparities between state and rural schools in Kazakhstan

1. Curriculum and Education program

1.1. Curriculum Differences

1.1.1. Innovative teaching methods skills

1.2. Extracurricular Activities

1.2.1. Clubs and activities

2. Socioeconomic Factors

2.1. Backgrounds

2.1.1. Income disparity

2.2. lack of time for education

2.2.1. the need for students to work

3. Infrastructure disparities

3.1. School Buildings

3.1.1. Library

3.1.2. Classrooms

3.2. Resources

3.2.1. Digital tools quality

4. Government and Policy responses

4.1. Education Funding

4.1.1. School budgets

4.2. Policy Initiatives

4.2.1. Scholarships

5. Teacher quality and availability

5.1. Qualification Discrepancy

5.1.1. Pedagogical skills

5.2. Teaching Methods

5.2.1. Modern style

6. Student performance

6.1. Achievement Gaps

6.1.1. Fewer Students Progressing to Higher Education Lower Academic Performance of Rural Students

6.2. Motivation and Engagement

6.2.1. Exposure to Career Opportunities