Studying in Finland

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Studying in Finland by Mind Map: Studying in Finland

1. Finding a part time job in Finland

1.1. It can be difficult for a non-Finn to land a job in Finland.

1.2. (mainly job advertisements in English)

2. Mind map made by Terhi Tammivirta

3. Finnish food

3.1. Some examples of traditional Finnish dishes might be something like ruisleipä, karjalanpiirakka and mämmi.

3.2. A picture of karjalanpiirakka

4. Weather

4.1. Finland has four distinct seasons in a year

4.1.1. Spring

4.1.2. Summer

4.1.3. Autumn

4.1.4. Winter

4.2. Very important to dress according to the weather, especially in winter when it can be -30 degrees Celsius!!


5. Main languages of Finland

5.1. Finnish (spoken by most of the people)

5.2. Swedish (the other mother tongue of Finland, though only a minority speaks it fluently)