Studying in Finland

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Studying in Finland by Mind Map: Studying in Finland

1. Food

1.1. Traditional food

1.2. Markets and supermarkets

1.2.1. Lidl

1.2.2. S market

1.2.3. K market

1.2.4. K city market

2. School & studying

3. Social activities

3.1. School sport

3.2. Gym

3.3. School events

3.3.1. X-mas fair

3.3.2. International day

3.3.3. Party

3.3.4. Ball

3.3.5. Student election

3.4. Local event

3.4.1. Red Cross

3.4.2. International livingroom

4. Sources




5. Preparation

5.1. Acceptance letter

5.2. Visa process

5.3. Package

5.3.1. Paper work

5.3.2. Clothes

5.3.3. Food

5.4. Culture understanding

6. Accommodation

6.1. House rent

6.1.1. Legal contract and paper work

6.1.2. House check

6.1.3. Rental deposit

6.1.4. Monthly payment