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Innovation In Action by Mind Map: Innovation In Action

1. Strategic Insights

1.1. MarketPych Analytics in GCP Prototype

1.2. AI Trend Analysis Report Generation

1.3. LSEG Dashboard for Insurance

1.4. Continuous Credit Monitoring

1.5. LLM Solution Intelligence

2. Symbology Mapping (Data Concordance)

2.1. Symbology - Legal Entity Matching

2.2. Symbology Change with Point In Time History Service

2.3. Data Stitching & KYC

3. Calculation Engines

3.1. TSE Indicative Pricing and Volume

3.2. Bond Analytics for buy-side customer using QPS/IPA

4. Risk Intelligence

4.1. Risk Scoring Tool

5. Real Time Via Cloud

5.1. Quick Data Solution

5.2. MRN Deliver via Databricks

5.3. RTMDS v4

6. Post Trade Workflow

6.1. Trade Integration Solution

7. Fund Management Platform

7.1. Fund Factsheet Generator

8. Wealth Intelligence

8.1. Portfolio Intelligence

8.2. Portfolio Optimizer

8.3. Wealth 360

9. Data Transformation via Adapters

9.1. SimCorp Adaptor

9.2. NICE/Actimize Trade Surveillance Feed replacement

9.3. Data Transition Solution