Community Park Development

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Community Park Development by Mind Map: Community Park Development

1. Project Sponsor

1.1. Risk

1.2. City Councils

1.3. Local Govt. Officials

1.4. Other

2. Primary Stakeholders

2.1. Local Residents

2.1.1. Interests Green Space Recreational Activities

2.1.2. Concerns Safety and Noise Maintenance

2.2. Community Organizations

2.2.1. Sports Teams

2.2.2. Schools

2.3. Local Business

2.3.1. Sponsoships

3. Regulatory Bodies

3.1. Zoning Board

3.1.1. Approval Process

3.2. Environmental Protection Agency

3.3. Local Building Permits Office

3.3.1. Safety Standards

4. Project Team

4.1. Landscape Architect

4.2. Project Manager

4.3. Civil Engineer

4.4. Environmental Consultant

5. Secondary Stakeholders

5.1. Environmental Groups

5.1.1. Advocacy for Sustainable Products

5.2. Health and Wellness Organizations

5.2.1. Promoting Physical Activities

5.3. Cultural Associations

5.3.1. Community Events

6. Funding Sources

6.1. Government Grants

6.1.1. State and Federal Funding

6.2. Sponsorships

6.2.1. Partnerships for Financial Support

6.3. Community Fundraising

6.3.1. Events and Campaigns

7. Users

7.1. Families

7.1.1. Safe Play Areas

7.2. Children

7.2.1. Need Playgrounds and Sports Facilities

7.3. Senior Citizens

7.3.1. Place for Relaxation and Social Activities