Human Body Systems

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Human Body Systems by Mind Map: Human Body Systems

1. "What is the main funtion of the musculoskeletal system?"

2. Nervous System

2.1. Central Nervous System

2.2. Peripheral Nervous System

2.3. Neurons

3. Circulatory System

3.1. Heart

3.2. Blood Vessels

3.3. Blood

4. Digestive System

4.1. Mouth

4.2. Esophagus

4.3. Stomach & Intestines

5. Respiratory System

5.1. Nose/Nasal Cavity

5.2. Larynx & Pharynx

5.3. Lungs

6. Musculoskeletal System

6.1. Bones

6.2. Joints

6.3. Muscles

7. Endocrine System

7.1. Hypothalamus

7.2. Thyroid

7.3. Gonads

8. "How do the circulatory and respiratory systems work together to keep your body alive?"