1. Proactive Classroom Set-Up (PBS)
1.1. Posted Visual Schedule/Timer
1.1.1. Soft-start classroom entry routine for all students Clear expectations for all learners Postive reinforcement
2. Inclusion Strategies
2.1. UDL
2.1.1. Have various modes of representation such as videos, podcasts, articles, simulations, etc Incorporate topics/tools that students show interest in (i.e. minecraft for STEM activities, comic books for a lit. unit, etc) Connect learning material to current events in students’ lives - connection and relation
2.2. DI
2.2.1. Modify tasks and assessments based on the needs of each learner Have tasks that are broken into more manageable chunks Have individualized learning goals - Work with learners on building their own learning goal for each unit
3. Addressing Behavior
3.1. Gentle reminders to all learners (not singling anyone out)
3.1.1. Giving time warnings (ex. “5 mins to complete this task before we move on”)- set up a timer first / then board Visual for choice after task completion- choice board
4. Supportive Classroom Environment
4.1. Being respectful to students
4.1.1. Collaboration Activities: Encourage learners to work in group (with a different group of learners each time) Encourage peer teaching Monitoring feedback: Allow learners to focus on improvement and helps build their confidence Ask for learners opinions & be considerate of the feedback- do not take things personally