1. **Singapore (Integration)**
1.1. when people migrate to sicieties adopting integration policies, they take on the identity of the majority population while retaining aspect of their original identity
1.2. sg's identity
1.2.1. shared values
1.2.2. upholding law and order
1.2.3. respecting racial and religious harmony
1.2.4. commitment to working together for a better future
1.2.5. difference in practices, customs and traditions are recgonised and respected
1.2.6. equality
1.3. community support
1.3.1. community intergation fund launched by national intergration counil in 2009
1.3.2. to deepen mutual underdertandings, build relationships and between singaporeans, immigrants and foreingers to develop a stronger connection to singapore
1.4. naturalisation initiatives
1.4.1. singapore citizenship journey complusory history learn about singapore's history and devlopement values deepen appreiciation of Singaporean norms and shared values community having the opportunity to have menagingful interactions with their local community citizenship recieving SG citizenship certifications at a citizenship ceremony after completing the programme
1.5. common spaces
1.5.1. provide opportunities for immigrants and locals to interact with each other
1.5.2. implemented to create common experience and promote social cohesion NS
1.5.3. plays a key in fostering greater cohesivness in society
1.5.4. Example Singapore Armed Forces Volunteer Corps (SAFVC) For peopl enot required to serve NS to contirbute to Singapore National Deference 2014
1.6. tension arised from policy
1.6.1. Singaporeans might not feel that immigrants are suffiently integration
1.6.2. Tensions exist due to precieved erosion of Singapore's identity, difference in norms and value of immigrants
1.6.3. strengthing integration efforts requires both parties of different cultures playing their part to respond to different with mutual respect mutually deepening the understanding of each other cultures to help embrace our difference meaningful and harmonious interactions within a socio-culturally diverse society
2. **Individuals**
2.1. repsone constructively to promote understanding of cultural difference and strengthen social cohesion
3. **Community Groups**
3.1. Citizens with common interest can oragnise themselves into community gorups to contirbute towards issue in society
3.2. Welcome in my backyard (WIMBY)
3.2.1. April 2020
3.2.2. Migrant Workers and Singaporeans
4. **Government**
4.1. Guide people from different socio-cultural groups in the host country
4.2. immigrants may bring identities that differ from the majority local population
4.2.1. create friction
5. **France (Assimilation)**
5.1. assimiliation
5.1.1. when indiviuals or groups migrate which adopt assimilationist policies, they are expected to take on the characteristics of the majority population
5.1.2. fully taking in and understand information and ideas
5.2. all french and citiznes have to abide by the principle of laïcité
5.2.1. principle of secularism no be connected with spiritual or religious mateters
5.3. believe that harmony in society is achieved when everyone put aside their connections to race, ethnicty and religon
5.4. they believe that french national identity should be pioritised
5.5. assimilationst policies were implemented
5.5.1. education everyone has to study untill they are 16 must learn French schools do not teach religious stuff
5.5.2. employment Diversity Charter was introduced in 2004 to to raise awareness of recruiting people of diverse backgrounds
5.5.3. naturalisation basic kjnowledge of life and France and what being a French national means
5.6. tension arised from policy practices
5.6.1. they believe that the French national identity is threatened when immigrant display religious identities
5.6.2. there is a need to recognise their rights to practice their religion