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FIRM by Mind Map: FIRM

1. State Government

1.1. State Department of Health

1.2. Governor's Office

1.2.1. OCPSC

1.2.2. Office of Planning and Research

1.3. Other

1.4. CDSS

1.4.1. Office of Immigrant Youth

1.4.2. State Refugee Coordinator

1.5. Champions

1.5.1. Dr. Joaquin Arambula

2. Non-Profit Organizations

2.1. Food Security Organization

2.1.1. Central CA Food Bank

2.2. Legal Support Organization

2.2.1. CCLS

2.2.2. CRLA Inc

2.2.3. SIREN

2.2.4. KIND

2.2.5. Community Justice Alliance

2.2.6. ILRC

2.3. Other

3. Governmental Agencies

3.1. Housing

3.1.1. Fresno Housing

3.2. Local Health Department

3.2.1. Fresno County DPH

3.3. Sanitation

3.4. Social Services

3.4.1. Fresno County DSS

3.5. Transportation

3.5.1. FAX

3.6. Disaster Preparedness

3.7. Individual Champions

3.7.1. Office of Community Affairs City of Fresno

3.8. Other

4. Coalitions

4.1. Government Supporting

4.2. Community Serving

4.3. Other

5. Buisness Associations

6. Working Groups

7. Coalitions/Collaboratives/etc.

8. School Associations

9. Schools

9.1. Public

9.1.1. Clovis Unified School District Fancher Creek Elementary Reyburn Middle School Clovis East High School

9.1.2. Central Unified School District Central Adult School

9.1.3. Fresno Unified School District Sunnyside High School Fresno Adult School

9.2. Community Colleges/Universities

9.2.1. State Center Community College District

10. Worksites

11. Media Outlets

11.1. In-Language Newspapers

11.2. Other

11.3. In--Language Television

12. Business Associations

13. Health Collaboratives

14. Inter-Faith Collaboratives

15. Health Service Providers

15.1. Hospital

15.1.1. Community Regional MC

15.1.2. Kaiser

15.1.3. St. Agnes

15.2. FQHC

15.2.1. United Health Centers

15.2.2. Family Health Care Network

15.3. Provider Groups

15.4. Clinics

15.4.1. UCSF Fresno Mobile HeaL clinic

15.5. Other

15.5.1. Derek Koligian Specialty Care (HIV/AIDS)

16. Community Based Organizations for Focus Populations

16.1. Faith Organizations

16.1.1. Masjid Fresno

16.1.2. MyDeen Fresno

16.2. Cultural Organizations

16.2.1. Fresno Afghan Council

16.2.2. Afghan American Community Organization

16.3. Service Organizations

16.4. Other

17. Inter-Cultural Collaboratives

18. Community Sites Serving Focus Population(s)

18.1. Clothing Stores

18.2. Housing Complexes

18.2.1. Woodbridge

18.2.2. Oakbridge

18.2.3. KRC Properties

18.2.4. Summerset

18.3. Laundromats

18.4. Food Market/Grocery Stores/Bodega

18.5. Flea Markets/Shopping

18.6. Farmer's Market

18.7. Other

19. Instructions: Use your "Network Diagrams Partner List" spreadsheet provided in the email to add your existing partners under the relevant category. Color each one to match the "Level of Engagement" shading. Tutorial video in attached link. Passcode: !B?c#0y@

20. Funders

20.1. Foundations

20.2. Government