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Multiple Sclerosis by Mind Map: Multiple Sclerosis

1. What is Multiple Sclerosis

1.1. A disease in which the immune system eats away at the protective covering of nerves.

2. How it affects the body Systems

2.1. The Muscular System

2.1.1. Damages the Nerve in the Spinal Cord and Brain

2.2. The Skeletal System

2.2.1. Broken Bones Due to Low Cordination Muscle Weakness Osteoperosis

2.2.2. Low Bone Density

2.3. The Cardiovascular System

2.3.1. Cadiovascular diseases Stroke heart attack Death from CVD Peripheralvascular diseases

2.4. Nervous System

2.4.1. It attacks the protective sheath that covers nerve fibers and causes communication problems with the rest of your body

2.5. Respritory System

2.5.1. Acute or chronic failure

2.5.2. Disorderd control of breathing

2.5.3. Neurogenic pulmonary edema

2.6. Integumentary System

2.6.1. Increases risk of certain skin lessions

2.7. Endocrine System

2.7.1. Hyper activity of corticropin releasing hormone producing neurons

2.8. Digestive System

2.8.1. Constipation

2.8.2. Incotinence

2.9. Metobolic System

2.9.1. Argine Metabolism

3. Who Gets MS

3.1. The people most likely to get it are white northern european women

4. Causes

4.1. Causes

4.2. Smoking

4.3. Toxin Exposure

4.4. Low Vitamen D

4.5. Genetic Predispasition

5. Symtoms

5.1. Clumsiness

5.2. Fatigue

5.3. Dizziness

5.4. Loss of Balance

5.5. Mood Changes

5.6. Cognitive Dificulty

5.7. Tremors

6. Diagnosis/Cure

6.1. Physical & Neurological Exam

6.2. Treat with medication

6.3. Treat with therapy

6.4. No known Cure

7. Prognosis

7.1. Normal Life Expectancy with Disabilities