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CH 3 by Mind Map: CH 3

1. Hereditary influence

1.1. In family studies, researchers assess hereditary influence by examining blood relatives and how much they resemble one another

2. Darwin

2.1. Charles Darwin wanted to explain how characteristics of a species might change over time

2.1.1. Natural selection occurs when organisims are well adapted to their enviornment survive and produce more

3. Genetics

3.1. Behavioural genetics is a field that studies the influence of genetic factors on behavioural traits

3.2. Chromosomes are threadlike strands of DNA molecules that carry genetic information

4. Endocrine System

4.1. This system contains of glands that secrete hormones into blood stream

5. Neurons

5.1. Neurons are indiviual cells in the nervous system that recieve, intergrate, and transmit information

5.1.1. Gila cells are much smaller than neurons and are found throughout the nervous system

6. Neurotransmitters

6.1. Neurotransmitters are essential in everything from muscle movements to mental health

6.1.1. Important Neurotransmitters include: - Acetylcholine, Dopamine, norepinephrine, Seretonin, GABA, Endorphins

7. The Nervous System

7.1. The peripheral nervous system, the somatic nervous system, and the automatic nervous system (ANS)

8. Split Brain

8.1. Left Brain is usually good at reading, writing, language, logic

8.2. Right brain is non verbal processing and good at understanding music, art, emotions

9. The Brain

9.1. The biggest organ that helps us with though process and emotions. The spinal cord is also connected to brain

9.2. Different parts of brain

9.2.1. The Cerebrum is the largest and most complex of the brain and also helps wth coordination/balance

9.2.2. The Cerebral Cortex is the most important part of the brain as it handles emotions, memory, thinking, and learing