The kingdom is like... (Wheat and Weeds) - Matthew 13

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The kingdom is like... (Wheat and Weeds) - Matthew 13 by Mind Map: The kingdom is like... (Wheat and Weeds) - Matthew 13

1. Reapers

1.1. Angels

2. Good Seed

2.1. Sons of the kingdom

2.2. Cross-reference beatitudes

2.3. Kingdom language in Matthew

2.4. NOT "the Word" like Parable of Sower

2.5. Good people are what God sows? Interesting...

3. Weed Seed

3.1. Sons of the evil one

3.2. Causes of sin

3.3. Law breakers

4. Field

4.1. The world

5. Harvest Time

5.1. End of the age

5.2. Separation occurs THEN, not now

6. Applications

6.1. The kingdom NOW is different than the Kingdom later. THEN is perfectly pure, now is corrupt. Don't be surprised by hypocrites in church. Moths are drawn to a flame.

6.2. Don't try to "pull up" the ones you think are weeds. You might be wrong and it's not your job.

6.3. Bad stuff happens in life. Because of sin and satan! The curse continues...

7. Sower

7.1. The Son of Man

7.1.1. Generally Jesus, but remember, this is a step of inference and application -- could be fallible. Ezekiel was also called a son of man!

8. Servants

8.1. Sleeping on the job?

8.2. Sin enters the world through man's inattentiveness, not God's ineffectiveness

9. Enemy

9.1. The Devil

9.1.1. Blame him!

10. Master's Barn

10.1. Shine like the sun

10.2. The Father's Kingdom

11. Burn pile

11.1. Fiery furnace

11.2. Weeping, wailing, gnashing of teeth

11.2.1. Mixed metaphors: hell is eternal (flame never dies) but also annihilationist? The bushels are done away with?

11.2.2. A view of the afterlife isn't the point: remember the filter - what is the kingdom like?