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Data World by Mind Map: Data World

1. Data Analytics

1.1. Python, sql, Power BI, Tableau

1.1.1. Jupyter Notebook, Notepad++, SQL Lite 2-3 Months

2. Data Engineer

2.1. Python, sql, Power BI, Tableau

2.1.1. Jupyter Notebook, Notepad++, SQL Lite 2-3 Months

3. Machine Learning

3.1. Python, sql, Power BI, Tableau

3.1.1. Jupyter Notebook, Notepad++, SQL Lite 2-3 Months

4. Artifical Intelligence

4.1. Python, sql, Power BI, Tableau

4.1.1. Jupyter Notebook, Notepad++, SQL Lite 2-3 Months

5. Deep Learning

5.1. Python, sql, Power BI, Tableau

5.1.1. Jupyter Notebook, Notepad++, SQL Lite 2-3 Months

6. Neural Network

6.1. Python, sql, Power BI, Tableau

6.1.1. Jupyter Notebook, Notepad++, SQL Lite 2-3 Months

7. Data Science

7.1. Python, sql, Power BI, Tableau

7.1.1. Jupyter Notebook, Notepad++, SQL Lite 2-3 Months

8. Reflects IQ We are here to be a part in you Skill Development

8.1. Trainer Mr. Srikanth 7+ Years Experience Completely on Data Science