Operating System

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Operating System by Mind Map: Operating System

1. Linux: Open Source, Free

1.1. Pros:

1.1.1. Everything is free Good for servers

1.2. Cons:

1.2.1. Limited support for proprietary applications Not many companies make programs for LINUX.

2. Apple, OSX, Leopard

2.1. Pros:

2.1.1. More secure than windows due to it UNIX base Very sleek and clean looking

2.2. Cons:

2.2.1. Less support Harder to find programs for it

3. What % use Windows?

3.1. Pros:

3.1.1. More than 80% of the desktop computers in the world run sort of window operating system.

3.1.2. Tons of program run on it

3.2. Cons:

3.2.1. Power security SPYWARE, VIRUSES

3.3. Focus on window 7

3.3.1. Window 7 has many improvements. Improved Taskbar, it is much faster than the former window programs, can make quick launch icons.

4. Defination:

4.1. Operating Sysem is an inter face between Hardware and Software in computer system. The Operating System is responsible for the management and coordination of activities and the sharing of the limited resourses of the computer.

5. Cell phone Operating System

5.1. Which one do you have?

5.1.1. Kazer

5.2. What are the major smart phone system?

5.2.1. Apple iphone Blackberry

5.3. What will be your nextcell phone?

5.3.1. Droid