Art in Nature

Thoughts about the art of being human

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Art in Nature by Mind Map: Art in Nature

1. Origins of art?

1.1. Wales Prehistoric Art

1.1.1. Cathole Cave Gower

1.2. Chumash rock painting

1.3. Northumbrian Rock Art

1.4. Northumbrlan Rock Carvings

2. Bauhaus

2.1. Guildhall Swansea

3. Ceri Richards

3.1. Dylan Thomas

3.2. Pablo Picasso

3.3. Wassily Kandinsky

3.4. Claude Debussy

3.5. Vernon Watkins

4. Frank Brangwyn

5. Themes

5.1. Spiritual Landscapes

5.2. Miseries of War

5.3. Melodic Compositions

5.4. Cycle of Nature

5.5. Christian Representations