The Laurel Tree

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The Laurel Tree by Mind Map: The Laurel Tree

1. Apollo

1.1. God of music, poetry, and knowledge

1.2. Wanted Dapne

1.3. Ran for her but was ran away from

1.4. Thought she could look more beautiful with what he would give her.

1.5. Wanted to be with her forever and that is actually what he got

1.6. Took one of her branches and made a musical instrument as a guitar

2. How she became the tree

2.1. Called for her father then fell with a root covering her body.

2.1.1. Project specifications

2.1.2. End User requirements

2.1.3. Action points sign-off

2.2. Apollo held her tree form in his arms and gave her eternal life

2.2.1. Define actions as necessary

2.3. Her leaves were always green and victors wore her leaves

3. Peneus

3.1. River God

3.2. Father to the Laurel Tree

3.3. Was called for when she need help before being turned into a tree.

4. Daphne

4.1. Independent-minded

4.1.1. Dependencies

4.1.2. Milestones

4.2. Love and Marriage- hating

4.3. The Laurel Tree in human form