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Live & learn by Mind Map: Live & learn

1. Nouns

1.1. Swot

1.2. Bully

1.3. Dyslexic

2. Adjectives

2.1. Strict

2.2. Self-disciplined

2.3. Lenient

2.4. Gifted

2.5. Disruptive

3. Colocations

3.1. Sit an exam

3.2. Deepen your knowledge

3.3. Career

3.3.1. Long

3.3.2. Rewarding

3.3.3. Successful

3.4. Be of interest to somebody

3.5. Have a passion for something

3.6. Education

3.6.1. Private

3.6.2. Higher

3.6.3. Further

3.7. Enrol on a course

3.8. Writing a dissertation

3.9. Lessons

3.9.1. Attend

3.9.2. Have

3.9.3. Skip

3.10. Working in the field of something

3.11. Get a degree

3.12. Skills

3.12.1. Communication

3.12.2. Language

3.12.3. People

3.13. Get a scholarship

3.14. Get expeled

3.15. Degree

3.15.1. Master's

3.15.2. University

3.15.3. Bachelor

4. Phrasal verbs

4.1. Go on to

4.2. Go into

4.3. Major in

4.4. Settle down

4.5. Scraped through

4.6. Give up on

4.7. Fall behind

5. Subjects

5.1. Architecture

5.2. Economics

5.3. Engineering

5.4. Mathematics

5.5. Humanites

5.6. Law

5.7. Business administration

5.8. History

5.9. Medicine

5.10. Modern languages

5.11. Philosophy

5.12. Sociology