Occupational/Workplace Accidents
by hasmawati Ismail
1. Theories of Accidents
1.1. Heinrich’s Domino Theory (1931)
1.2. Human Factors Theory
1.3. Reason’s Swiss Cheese Model (1990)
1.4. Systems Theory
1.5. Accident Causation Model (ICAM)
1.6. Epidemiological Theory
1.7. Energy Release Theory (Haddon Matrix)
1.8. Behavioral-Based Safety (BBS) Theory
1.9. Drift into Failure Theory
2. Industry
2.1. Hotel and Restaurant
2.2. Utilities (Electricity, Gas, Water, and Sanitary Service)
2.3. Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Business Services
2.4. Construction
2.5. Transport, Storage and Communication
2.6. Manufacturing
2.6.1. Types of Manufacturing Factors of accidents Causes of Accidents