animal farm theme

Animal farm a story by george orwell,This story is completely based on animalism,rebilion ,power and authorithy.This is just the mind map ,read the story to enjoy more.This story symbolisis the russian war (1917) where each animals have specific roles in real life like napoleon-stalin,snowball-leon trotley,etc.Dig in to have fun .

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animal farm theme by Mind Map: animal farm theme

1. theme injustice and exploitation

1.1. Man is the only real enemy we have. Remove Man from the scene, and the root cause of hunger and overwork is abolished forever."

1.2. the quote highlights the animals belife that their suffering is caused by human exploitation and opposition

1.3. Theme :equality,animalism

1.4. All mens are animals and all animals are comarades

1.5. This quote represents the solidatory,fairness and equalism of old majors vision and inspire the animal to rebel.

2. revolution and corruption

3. old major presents the idea that human are the oppressors and exploiting them . This speech serves as the catalyst for the animal to revolt .

4. Power and authorithy:-"Napoleon is always right"Said by boxer it shows how the boxer is really influenced by the power of napoleon where he truly belived the napoleon"

5. The dogs were all under the control of napoleon and everyone feared for it.

6. "if napoleon says it,it is always right".This symbolises the power and authority ,they think napoleon as their superior and it posess leadership.

7. l

8. Norms and belifs :- the squeller says that the windmill idea was Napoleons but in reality it was snowballs"so people all belive it.Even the religious song of them"beasts of england"

9. The nine dogs who were under the control of napoleon is the right to enforce compliance.

10. theme:-liberty,freedom and rewards or honors .

10.1. quotes:-'those ribbons that you were are so devoted to are the badge of slavery . can you not understand that liberty is worth more than ribbons'

10.2. he "ribbons" refer to military awards or medals, which he sees as symbols of service to the state, but also as signs of conformity and submission to authority and to seek freedom.

11. The pigs are so knowledgable and experienced leadership and hierarchy they just supervised and only helped in critical situations.

12. Squeller manipulated all the rest of animals under his control and made said napoleon is the leader and snowball is the enemy.