Innovations to Meet Oraro's Future Customers

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Innovations to Meet Oraro's Future Customers by Mind Map: Innovations to Meet Oraro's Future Customers

1. Incremental Innovation

1.1. Document Management Retrieval System

1.2. Cloud based Customer Relations Management

1.3. Marketing and Business Development Budget Spend

1.4. One stop Tax Practice & Advisory

2. Product Innovation

2.1. e-legal consultancy services

2.2. AI conducting legal research

2.3. providing an integrated cross border legal service

2.4. Providing fixed legal costs based on AI predictions

2.5. creating legal documents (self help)

3. Architectural Innovation

3.1. Provide legal consultancy

3.2. Provide a multidisciplinary team to legal practice

3.3. Provide cross cutting legal advice into one legal solution

4. Radical Innovation

4.1. New Technology in AI/Machine Learning to conduct legal research

4.2. Legal self help kiosk to facilitate legal documentation

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4.2.5. Press F1 to see all key shortcuts

4.3. AI driven legal services

4.4. Global Enterprise Software Planning Software allowing one to work from anywhere in the world