1. Exercise
1.1. Physical Inactivity
1.1.1. pro-inflammatory IL-6
1.1.2. increased neopterin
1.1.3. higher risk of infection
1.1.4. Increased risk of obesity
1.2. Moderate to Regular
1.2.1. anti-inflammatory IL-6
1.2.2. low neopterin
1.2.3. lower risk of infection
1.3. Strenuous
1.3.1. very high pro- and anti-inflammatory IL-6
1.3.2. very high neopterin
1.3.3. very high risk of infection
1.4. Prolonged
1.4.1. increase in anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-10 and IL-1ra)
2. Dopamine
2.1. Beneficial Practices
2.1.1. Sunlight
2.1.2. Smiling/Laughing
2.1.3. Music
2.1.4. Social Interaction
2.1.5. Meditation
2.2. Immune System Effects
2.2.1. Leukocyte Number Regulation
2.2.2. Inflammation Regulation
2.2.3. Improve Phagocytic Capacity
3. How else can we promote the health of our immune system?
3.1. Be aware of early symptoms to prevent disease development
3.2. Good hygiene practice
3.3. Promote wellness of the environment
4. Stress
4.1. Source
4.1.1. Physiological external factors internal processes
4.1.2. Psychological
4.2. Types
4.2.1. Acute Associated with the fight and flight response increased parameters for natural immunity
4.2.2. Chronic suppresses both cell-mediated and humoral immunity increases susceptibility to sicknesses and diseases
5. Diet
5.1. Fruits and vegetables
5.1.1. Antioxidants that help combat infection in the body
5.2. Probiotics
5.2.1. Boost immune function in the gut, regulate immune system
5.3. Vitamins
5.4. Unhealthy diet
5.4.1. Promotes inflammation and lowered effectivity of immune cells
6. Sleep
6.1. Innate Immunity
6.1.1. Crosstalk with sleep signal molecules
6.1.2. Regulates complement through circadian rhythm
6.1.3. Regulates complement through circadian rhythm
6.1.4. Modulates cytokine levels
6.2. Adaptive Immunity
6.2.1. Regulates effector activity of leukocytes
6.2.2. Promotes formation of memory cells