Collocations in physical education

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Collocations in physical education by Mind Map: Collocations in physical education

1. Combinations of words that facilitate precise and effective communication in the field of sports, teaching and physical health

2. Provide feedback Design a lesson plan Evaluate performance

2.1. Noun + Adjective:

2.1.1. Physical development Motivational speech Clear instructions

3. Collocations in Training and Exercise

3.1. Noun + Verb:

3.1.1. Perform exercises Develop strength Improve flexibility Noun + Adjective: High-intensity workout Balanced diet Proper technique

4. Colllocations in Teaching and Sports Pedagogy

4.1. Noun + Verb:

4.1.1. "Provide feedback" "Design a lesson plan" "Evaluate performance" Noun + Adjective: "Physical development" "Motivational speech" "Clear instructions

5. Secondary branches with practical applications

5.1. "Use in Evaluation and Performance

5.1.1. Monitor progress Assess skills Track improvement

6. Health and Wellbeing

6.1. Maintain a healthy lifestyle Prevent injuries Encourage healthy habits