The impact of social media on mental health

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The impact of social media on mental health by Mind Map: The impact of social media on mental health

1. Arguments for

1.1. Support

1.1.1. Projects

1.1.2. Causes

1.1.3. Emotionally

1.2. Sharing and talking space

1.3. Creativity

1.4. Communication

1.4.1. Family

1.4.2. Friends

1.5. Discover

1.5.1. Communities

1.5.2. Friends

2. Arguments against

2.1. Anxiety

2.2. Isolation

2.2.1. Cyberbullying Suicide

2.3. Attention disorders

2.4. Sleep disturbance

2.4.1. Lack of dopamine

3. Recent developments

3.1. Awareness about negative impacts from the younger generations

3.2. Applications to limit these impacts

4. Questions

4.1. How to avoid and prevent the negative impacts of social media ?

4.2. Do you think social media companies should do more to protect users' mental health?