Registration of Insurance Marketing Firm

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Registration of Insurance Marketing Firm by Mind Map: Registration of Insurance Marketing Firm

1. Registration Process

1.1. Required Documents

1.1.1. 6. LLP Agreemen

1.1.2. 1. Incorporation Certificate

1.1.3. 2. Infrastructure details

1.1.4. 3.Bank Account details

1.1.5. 4. Licence for IMF Registration

1.1.6. 5. Networth Certificate

1.1.7. 7. Consent Letter from Insurance Entitiy

1.1.8. 8. Potographs Concerning Equipment And Manpower

1.1.9. 9. Form A

1.1.10. 10. Develop a Business Plan

1.1.11. 11. AOA

1.1.12. 12. Financial Service Executive Details

1.1.13. 13. Principal Officer Details

1.1.14. 14. Insurance Sales Person Details

2. Business Plan

2.1. Get the insurance company details for proposals

2.2. Get the mutual agreement between IMF & Insurance Firms

3. Manpower

3.1. Hire the employees

3.1.1. Assistant - Who calls the companies and shares the info

3.1.2. Skilled Person - Who can meet the companies and explain the IMF Products and complete teh negotiation process

3.1.3. Assistant 2 - After confirming the process, documention process and getting the details from the customer etc.