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The First Crusade by Mind Map: The First Crusade

1. Crusader/Muslim Interactions

1.1. Socio-cultual intterations we limited and resticted

1.1.1. Relgious and language barriers

1.2. New import of commodities from Muslim Merchants

1.2.1. Imports that were unidirectional and done from other countries first

1.3. The capture of Emperor Romanos

2. Outcomes & Consequences

2.1. Military orders

2.1.1. Order of St Lazarus

2.1.2. Knights Templar

2.1.3. Teutonic Order

2.2. Territorial expansion

2.2.1. Crusaders States

2.2.2. County of Edessa

2.2.3. Principality of Antioch

2.2.4. County of Tripoli

2.2.5. Kingdom of Jerusalem

2.3. Impact in Europe

2.3.1. Regained control of the sacred city of Jerusalem

2.3.2. The Crusaders' exposure to Islamic culture, with its advanced science, medicine, philosophy, and art, played a significant role in revitalizing intellectual life in Europe.

2.3.3. While the Crusades were driven by religious zeal and often marred by violence, their unintended consequences significantly reshaped Europe.

3. Economic Factors

3.1. The power of the royal houses of Europe

3.2. The Church also witnessed an increase in its political clout, as it was instrumental in rallying and organizing the Crusades.

4. Religion

4.1. indulgences

4.2. The Holy Sepulcher

4.2.1. Miracles

4.3. The Council of Clermont

4.4. "infedels" and "heretics"

4.4.1. conversions

4.5. Religious pogroms

5. Primary Sources

5.1. Urban II's Call to Crusade

5.2. Raymond of Aguilers "The Battle for Jerusalem"

6. Background

6.1. Urban II's Call to Crusade

6.2. Building tensions

7. Key Figures

7.1. Pope Urban II

7.1.1. Incited the conflict with his speech

7.2. Godfrey of Bouillon

7.2.1. Led a lot of the conflicts of the Crosades Used holy lance

7.3. Colloman of Hungary

7.3.1. Allowed Godfrey Passage(after his bro was offerd as a hostage)

7.4. Alecius Commennus

7.4.1. Was very upset at the percieved Frank response to his cry for help Basically killed all 30k pheasants that came to help

7.5. Peter the Hermit

7.5.1. Dude thought he got letters from god Thought he had a "spiritual lineage" to John the Baptit Was he lying?

7.6. Peter Bartholemue( a mustic and a French one at that)

7.6.1. Claimed that he was visited by Andrew the apostle

7.7. Longinus(origional holy lance user)

7.7.1. Dude killed Jesus

8. Major Battles/Events

8.1. Antioch

8.1.1. Massacre

8.1.2. Penultimate Defense/ Assult Holy Lance Contrevercy surrounding lugitimacy

8.1.3. Improbably Long Siege How did they survive the winter?

8.2. Jeruselum

8.2.1. Massacre 2 (sad face) All Christians living there were killed when the Muslums returned

8.2.2. Taken in 1099 and recaptured in 1187(Saladin)

8.3. Massacre of Rhineland Jews

8.4. Ascolon

8.4.1. 1099

8.4.2. Last action of the first crusade

8.4.3. Led by Godfrey of Boullion

8.4.4. Drove off Fatamid Army

8.5. Establishment of the Kingdom of Jeruselum

8.5.1. Four Counties Principality of Antioch County of Edessa Kingdom of Jeruselum County of Tripoli

9. Routes Taken

9.1. Rhineland

9.1.1. They killed a lot of the Jewish communities encounterd

9.2. Balkans/adriatic

9.3. All going through Constantanople

10. Crusader/Jewish Interactions

10.1. Crusaders killed most jews

10.2. Pheasants killed most Jews

11. other

11.1. Before litterally everything