by breanna bischoff
1. Unit elasticity
1.1. |PED|=1
2. |PED|<1
3. Sensitive to change in price
4. Factors
4.1. Necessity
4.1.1. Food
4.1.2. Water
4.2. Avalibility of substitutes
4.2.1. Hot cheetos and takis
4.3. Short Run
4.3.1. A few months
4.4. Defention of market
4.5. Proportion of budget
4.5.1. Big ticket items Rent New car
4.5.2. Small portion of the budget Shampoo and Conditioner Tooth paste
4.6. Long Run
4.6.1. Over a year
5. Formulas
5.1. Price Elasticity of Demand
5.1.1. %▲Qd / %▲P
5.2. Price Elasticity of Supply
5.2.1. %▲Qs / %▲P
5.3. Cross-Price Elasticity of Demand
5.3.1. %▲Qa/ %▲Pb
5.4. Income Elasticity of Demand
5.4.1. %▲Qp / %▲I