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Central Idea by Mind Map: Central Idea

1. vocabulary

1.1. topic

1.1.1. What is the book all about?

1.2. central idea

1.2.1. What is the most IMPORTANT part/event in the text?

1.3. supporting evidence

1.3.1. HOW do I know that my central idea is correct?

1.3.2. WHAT happens in the text?

1.3.3. WHAT information keeps getting repeated?

2. If You Find a Rock

2.1. fiction with REAL photographs

2.2. There are many different kinds of rocks that we can find.

2.2.1. The author tells about different rocks and what they look like and feel like.

2.2.2. wishing rocks, memory rocks, climbing rocks, fossil rocks, skipping rocks, hiding rocks, walking rocks, splashing rocks

3. Working with Others

3.1. MyBook 2, pages 40 - 50

3.2. informational text - nonfiction

3.3. Working with others to deal with conflicts.

3.3.1. On page 50, there is a list of ways to talk out a conflict and help the situation get better.

3.3.2. On page 47, it showed a group of students talking with a teacher to solve a problem.

3.3.3. Throughout the text, it tells different ways that people might react to conflict - anger, sadness, walking away.