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spelling meanings by Mind Map: spelling meanings

1. energy

1.1. meaning having the power to do things

2. mixtures

2.1. two or more things put together

3. liquid

3.1. substance that flows, as water or oil

4. oxygen

4.1. colorless, odorless gas necessary to life

5. materias

5.1. thing that are used to make other things

6. reversible

6.1. meaning you can change it back like water and ice

7. soluble

7.1. Soluble means susceptible of being dissolved in a fluid.

8. experiment

8.1. meaning testing somthing

9. chemical

9.1. something that is poison

10. evaporation

10.1. meaning liquid turning into gas

11. protiens

11.1. Any of a large group of nitrogenous organic compounds that are essential constituents of living cells

12. temperature

12.1. how hot or cold something is

13. homogeneous

13.1. having a guess

14. particles

14.1. tiny piece

15. physical

15.1. being active