Operating Systems

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Operating Systems af Mind Map: Operating Systems

1. 90% uses windows

1.1. Pros: Insall is quick, easy and painless. After working through a few wizard screens at the beginning, the install is automatic

1.2. Cons: Not compadible with older commputer.

1.3. Focus on Windows 7

2. Linux: Open Source. Free

2.1. Pros:Option to "try before you install" using the live cd features. Can easily install as a dual boot or even in side windows using the wubi installer

2.2. Cons:Unless you’re luck to get a CD, you do have to mess about with .ISO files and burn a disc. If you’re happy doing that, it’s not really a problem.

3. Apple, OSX, Leoperd

3.1. pros: Apple's current operating system and is the most advanced, yet easy to use operating system in the world. In fact, Mac OS X can already do everything Microsoft's Windows Vista, which is going to be released nex year, can do - plus a whole lot more!

3.2. cons:There are a lot of bugs, and it freezez the commputer.

4. Definition

4.1. What does it do? the collection of softwere that directs a computer's operations, cotrolling and scheduling the execution of other programs, and managing storage, input/output, and communication resorces.

5. Cell Phone Operating Systems

5.1. Which one do you have? none

5.2. Which are the major Smartphone operating systems? palm, windows, mobile,and black berry