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Algorithms by Mind Map: Algorithms

1. Algorithms and Organising

1.1. organization

1.2. algorithms

1.3. sociomaterializm

2. Algorithms as co-workers: Human algorithm role interactions in algorithmic work

2.1. algorithmic work

2.2. human-algorithm work interaction

2.3. dark side of algorithmic work

3. Street–Level Algorithms: A Theory at the Gaps Between Policy and Decisions

3.1. street – level algorithms

3.2. street – level bureaucrats

3.3. on-the-ground decisions

4. Algorithms, Automation, and News

4.1. automized journalism

4.2. news personalization

4.3. recommender system

5. Analysing the Effect of Recommendation Algorithms on the Spread of Misinformation

5.1. recommendation algorithms

5.2. misinformation

6. Algorithms and Organising

6.1. for problem-solving and decision-making

6.2. co-workers alongside human

6.3. important mediators for many various actions

7. Algorithms as co-workers: Human algorithm role interactions in algorithmic work

7.1. humans and algorithms interaction

7.2. humans response and algorithms computation

7.3. algorithmic work is used in ridesharing, delivery services and etc.

8. Street–Level Algorithms: A Theory at the Gaps Between Policy and Decisions

8.1. algorithms improve their skills only after decision is made

8.2. humans adjust their decisions on the spot

9. Algorithms, Automation, and News

9.1. automation in news gathering

9.2. algorithms shape humans attitude

10. Analysing the Effect of Recommendation Algorithms on the Spread of Misinformation

10.1. a issue of misinformation

10.2. vulnerability to misinformation

10.3. a challenging combat against misinformation