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Feudalism by Mind Map: Feudalism

1. Peasants/Serfs

1.1. Rights

1.1.1. Jurisdiction

1.1.2. Could buy their own freedom

1.1.3. Have personal property and wealth

1.1.4. Could marry

1.2. Duties

1.2.1. Serve their lord

1.2.2. Pay all taxes

1.2.3. Work for the lord's fields

1.2.4. Work in Manor House

1.3. Habitat

1.3.1. Lord's Manor

1.3.2. Low social status

2. Clergy

2.1. Rights

2.1.1. Right of jurisdiction

2.1.2. Shares power with the king

2.2. Duties

2.2.1. Have peoples respect

2.2.2. Cleanse people of their sins

2.2.3. Host events and meetings

2.3. Habitat

2.3.1. Lives in the Church

2.3.2. High status in feudal system

3. Kings

3.1. Rights

3.1.1. Can marry who he wants

3.1.2. In control of all the land

3.1.3. Controls religion

3.2. Duties

3.2.1. Take care of the empire/country

3.2.2. Enforce the rules by creating laws

3.2.3. Take care of people

3.2.4. Give land to nobles to control

3.3. Habitat

3.3.1. In a castle

3.3.2. Wealthiest person in the country/empire

3.3.3. Eats the best food

4. Nobles

4.1. Rights

4.1.1. Could have his own army

4.1.2. Free person

4.1.3. Can have more than 1 knight

4.2. Duties

4.2.1. Provide land to his knight

4.2.2. Provide military support for the Monarchs

4.2.3. Provide security/land to serfs

4.3. Habitat

4.3.1. Clothes made of silk/satin

4.3.2. Lives in a big castle

5. Knights

5.1. Rights

5.1.1. Freedom from their lord

5.1.2. Can own land

5.1.3. Can have serfs

5.2. Duties

5.2.1. Protect his lord with his life

5.2.2. Follow the code of Chivalry

5.2.3. Always pay taxes

5.2.4. Listen to the King and God

5.3. Habitat

5.3.1. In a Manor house

5.3.2. Has usually 1 serf or more

5.3.3. Respected by many people

5.3.4. Lives close to his lord