4th grade Social Studies: 13 Colonies

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4th grade Social Studies: 13 Colonies by Mind Map: 4th grade Social Studies: 13 Colonies

1. Language Usage

1.1. ASL

1.1.1. Ask qurestion and explain the information

1.2. Reading

1.2.1. Reading Maps and SS textbook

1.3. Writing

1.3.1. Write map and defining Vocabulary

1.4. Viewing

1.4.1. Teacher presentation and group discussion

2. Communication Access

2.1. TouchChat ACC

2.2. ASL

2.3. Gesture

2.4. English

3. Written Texts

3.1. Worksheet

3.2. Mapping

3.3. Vocabulary

3.4. Label States

3.5. Students' Assessments

4. Multiple Representations

4.1. K-12 ASL Content Standards

4.2. Maryland State Standrards

4.3. TCI

4.4. Unqiue Learning System (ULS)

4.5. American History

5. VIsual Support

5.1. Smartboard

5.2. Enlarge Texts

5.3. Maps

5.4. Picture Supported Texts

6. Language Functions

6.1. Asking WH Questions

6.2. Explaining

6.3. Comparing

6.4. Analyze

6.5. Student presentation