Solving Problems (Module 3)

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Solving Problems (Module 3) by Mind Map: Solving Problems  (Module 3)

1. Conflict

1.1. disagreement

1.1.1. A disagreement is when two or more people do NOT agree with each other.

1.1.2. Disagree means to NOT agree with someone or something.

1.2. bullying

1.2.1. Bullying is when someone does something mean/rude/hurtful OVER and OVER again.

1.3. angry words

1.3.1. Angry words are words that hurt someone's feelings on purpose.

2. Communication (talk to each other)

2.1. honest

2.1.1. explain what happened

2.1.2. explain what you were thinking/feeling at the time

2.1.3. tell the truth even if it is hard to do

2.1.4. kind and respectful words

2.2. listen

2.2.1. make eye contact with each other

2.2.2. see if you can find a quiet space to talk

2.2.3. ask questions Why did you do ________? Do you know ___ hurt my feelings?

3. Work It Out (solve the problem)

3.1. keep personal space

3.2. stop when asked to stop

3.3. do not repeat the mean behavior

3.4. ask for help from a trusted adult

3.5. compromise (to find something that works for both people)

3.5.1. share

3.5.2. take turns

3.6. apologize

3.6.1. "I'm sorry for ___"

3.6.2. "I will not do __ again"