Both East Coast and West Coast Hip-Hop Rap Voiced For Millions of People and has Influenced Moder...

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Both East Coast and West Coast Hip-Hop Rap Voiced For Millions of People and has Influenced Modern Hip-Hop To Do The Same. by Mind Map: Both East Coast and West Coast Hip-Hop Rap Voiced For Millions of People and has Influenced Modern Hip-Hop To Do The Same.

1. Historical Figures

1.1. NWA

1.1.1. Ice Cube Created Masterful Lyrics

1.1.2. Dr. Dre Produced Songs That Shaped West Coast Hip-Hop

1.2. Biggie Smalls

1.2.1. Transformed from being a "Loser" to a celebrity


1.3.1. Talks about police brutality towards African American Males

1.4. KRS-ONE

2. Historical Context

2.1. Social Movements / Supression

2.2. Communities and Organizations

2.2.1. "Hip-Hop Nation"

2.3. Key Events

2.3.1. Golden Age East Coast Gender, Race, and Class Often Promoted HyperMasculinity West Coast Gangsta Rap, immediately talked about urban problems.

3. Themes / Lyrics

3.1. Slang

3.1.1. Lord Finesse

3.2. Lyrics Vs. Resistance and Politics (Gangsta Rap)

3.2.1. BLM

3.2.2. Police Brutality

3.3. Rapped About Urban Areas

3.3.1. West Coast: LA/Compton

3.3.2. East Coast: NY

4. Modern Day Hip-Hop

4.1. Modern Day Artist

4.1.1. Yg, Saweetie, Doja, G-Eazy, SZA

4.2. Platforms

4.2.1. Social Media

4.2.2. Online Music Services

5. Modern Cultural Incorporations

5.1. Fashion

5.2. Diversity in Genres

5.2.1. The Inclusion of different languages and Traditions

5.3. Modern Day Culture

5.3.1. Collabs With Different Artist Around The World K-POP Blackpink BTS Spanish-Pop Bad Bunny

6. Work Cited: Enck, Suzanne Marie. Review of The Mark of Criminality: Rhetoric, Race, and Gangsta Rap in the War-on-Crime Era, by Bryan J. McCann. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, vol. 23 no. 2, 2020, p. 412-415. Project MUSE, Perry, Imani. Prophets of the Hood: Politics and Poetics in Hip Hop. Duke University Press, 2004. JSTOR, Accessed 5 Nov. 2024.