Favourite Qualities in a games industry

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Favourite Qualities in a games industry by Mind Map: Favourite Qualities in a games industry

1. Qualities about employees

1.1. Be responsible

1.2. Understanding

1.3. On time

1.4. Work hard

1.5. Creativity

1.6. Leadership Ability

1.7. Accuracy

1.8. Organizational Skills

1.9. Enthusiasm

1.10. Motavited

1.11. Knowledge about equipment they use

1.12. Positive Attitude Toward Work

2. Expand Knowledge

2.1. research the roles

2.2. learning about the role

2.3. research the devices and tools you will be needing

2.4. familiarize yourself with the equipment learn to use them

2.5. College Course

2.6. Further education

3. Experience

3.1. Work oppertunities

3.2. To be able to learn basic skills for the job

3.3. To of worked in a well known company

3.4. To be able to apply for jobs that require prior experience

4. Skills

4.1. To have particular skills provided for the job

4.2. Basic skills to be able to produce EDP

4.3. To be able to use different languages or knowledge of different langouages

4.4. To use different software's that is required for the job