Mentorship Program for Freshmen Management Accounting Students

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Mentorship Program for Freshmen Management Accounting Students by Mind Map: Mentorship Program for Freshmen Management Accounting Students

1. Activities and Events

1.1. Icebreaker sessions

1.2. Group discussions on current accounting topics

2. Mentorship Framework

2.1. Mentor roles (guidance, support)

2.2. Mentee responsibilities (active participation)

3. Skill Development

3.1. Critical thinking and problem-solving

3.2. Communication and presentation skills

4. Sustainability Measures

4.1. Long-term goals for program growth

4.2. Continuous mentor training and support

5. Evaluation and Feedback

5.1. Surveys for feedback from mentors and mentees

5.2. Adjustment strategies based on feedback

6. Project Goals

6.1. Enhance practical skills

6.2. Support academic success

7. Project Structure

7.1. Face-to-face session

7.2. Virtual session

8. Mentor Recruitment

8.1. Application process

8.2. Outreach strategies

9. Resources and Materials

9.1. Suggested reading lists

9.2. Online resources

10. Marketing and Promotion

10.1. Social media campaigns

10.2. Collaboration